Overcoming Overwhelm: Insights and Strategies That Worked for Me
🤯 3 personal tips for navigating sensory overload
Hey there, TrauDHD Tribe! 👋
It's been a while, hasn't it? Funny enough, after my last post about feeling overwhelmed, I found myself drained and lacking the energy or motivation to keep up with these weekly updates. Life has been throwing some unexpected curveballs, and I've learned firsthand that adapting isn't as simple as it seems.
And guess what? Turns out I'm not the only one feeling overwhelmed! The poll results are finally in, and it's clear that many others are sailing in the same boat:
Essential techniques for sensory overload
Now, let's dive into some ways to deal with sensory overload. These tips have been tested and proven, so give them a try:
Make the unpredictable a bit more predictable: It's not always a piece of cake, but you can find ways to make uncertain situations a little more manageable. Take your friend telling you they'll call you "around" eleven o'clock, for instance. That's way too vague. Instead, set a specific expectation like "My friend better call me before half-past eleven."
Find the sweet spot between routine and excitement: We AuDHD folks often crave structure, but we're also suckers for that dopamine rush. So, here's the trick: spice up those mundane tasks that usually make you procrastinate. Instead of just vacuuming the room, challenge yourself to blitz the dust within X minutes, for example.
Don't forget your 'external memory': When your mind feels overloaded and thoughts are bouncing around like ping-pong balls, it's easy to forget important things and get overwhelmed. But fear not, there's a solution: an external memory. Whether it's scraps of paper or a notebook, jot down your tasks, goals, ideas, and appointments. It helps clear your head and ensures you don't lose track. Don't have your notebook? Use your phone to make notes and transfer them later.
Do you have any additional strategies that can benefit the community? Feel free to share them with me! With a renewed sense of energy, I'm ready to dive back into these weekly updates.
Neurodivergently yours,